Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Preschooler Said

Aleaha was eating pizza the other night, and suddenly cried out in pain: "Mommy, I bit my lower-case lip!"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sheesh, we're busy

Things have been busy here, but what, really, have we been doing (besides Mommy and Daddy's regular jobs!)? Well, in the three weeks since Mommy's last post, we have...

- put away Christmas things
- shopped for groceries and other items 6 times (including one Costco trip)
- prepped, cooked, and cleaned up after 30 at-home meals
- ate out at Dairy Queen twice (woo-hoo!)
- done 19 loads of laundry, which means sorting, pre-treating, washing, re-washing, re-washing AGAIN (doggone babyfood stains!), drying, folding, and putting away
- fed the animals 43 times (Mommy & Daddy splitting this chore)
- brought in about 40 loads of wood for the stove (Daddy doing every single one of these himself -- thank you for keeping us warm!)
- gathered approximately 130 eggs, then washed and sold/gave away about half of them
- took two Bob-strolls
- changed approximately 74 diapers (I could write more about the splitting of this chore, but because I love and appreciate my husband and don't wish to pick a fight, I shall just say "THANK YOU for taking care of Aleaha so much!" :) )
- made two visits to the pediatrican
- put in several hours on the company's bookkeeping, but much more is still needed

Geez, that's all so exhausting, and it's just "maintenance" kind of stuff. Let's get onto the fun stuff -- the pictures.

Miss Miri, wearing her "Little Sister" outfit from Aunt Jeannie. Darling!!

Aleaha and Miri doing silly-face stuff.

Miri's head circumference is at the 75th percentile for her age. (Didn't have to tell Mom she has a big head - she remembers birthing her!) Here she is on the last day that the cute little red hat from Cousin Jennifer still fit her.

Aleaha loves walking on balance beams (or curbs, or just lines on the pavement). This was taken at the big barn on Bald Hill, a favorite Bob-stroll destination.

Aleaha and Miri at almost exactly the same ages.

We love strolling together.

Aleaha is so gentle with Miri. She calms her and entertains her.

Aleaha, playing hopstoch with mudpuddles. Hey, country kids learn to make-do!

Miri plays with whipped cream. (Don't tell the pediatrian, because her "dairy" is supposed to come only from Mom right now!))