Sunday, July 11, 2010

Frolicking in Philomath

We took in the local rodeo, which happens in the evening. There's a small carnival, petting zoo, greasy food, etc. . Miri can't last through it, so Mommy took her home early each evening. But Aleaha and Daddy got in some fun time!

You know she's going to get on the ponies!


Going down the giant slide.

Riding the lady bug.

Hanging on for dear life on the rollercoaster. (It was wilder than it appeared! Good thing Dad was there too.)

This mini donkey is just like Earnest, a character in a book series that Aleaha has.

Miri was pretty good, although tired.

Lovin' the grape shave ice!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Miri's First Birthday!

Miri is one year old!! It's cliche, but the time really does fly past so quickly. Mommy has had special challenges with Miri, but we made it to the one year mark, and we are all very happy and proud.

Because her birthday was during the week (and a hectic week at that), we didn't try to have a party and the usual falderal (sp?). Let's be realistic -- it's her first birthday, and besides this record, she won't remember it. So, we celebrated our own Miller way, with Chinese food for dinner (Aleaha's suggestion), and a store-bought cake for dessert. It will take me a while to get over the guilt for not making her first birthday cake. I'm sure we'll do something to make up for it this weekend!

Miri shows off her cup skills. She can finally officially drink cow's milk now, although she's not especially fond of it.

Aleaha was happy to comply with Mommy's request for a smile, but not Miri. She was pretty much a crankster on this evening. Poor thing is tired after putting in a full day at school!

Aleaha offered to help blow out the candle.

Miri tentatively takes a tad of frosting.

Then tries another little tidbit.

And finally understands how the scene is supposed to go.

But, she gets mad again...

And THIS is why we did not invite anyone over for a party!! It was one, long meltdown tonight. She was unhappy with the cake, unhappy with the clean-up, unhappy with the balloon and present. Finally got somewhat happy in the bathtub, and much happier when she went to bed. That's just what the girl wanted -- some peace and quiet. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July Fourth Trip to EO

We loaded up the horses, dog, kids, and gear and headed to EO again for the Fourth of July. It was a great trip!

GrammaBon did lots of cooking (or "tooking", as someone says) -- and lots of dishes! Here she and Aleaha get set for another pie-making project.

Aleaha was thrilled to get her own bunch of dough to play with.

And one evening we had bannock -- a type of bread roasted on a stick. We all agreed the recipe needs a few tweaks. (And we won't shape it like that again, for a couple of reasons!)

Miri likes to play with her tongue. She was teething and drooling and sometimes very cranky.

Enjoying a little cheese snack.

Something surprised her.

Took lots of Bob-strolls.

Daddy helped Grandpa do a little project on the containers.

Aleaha learns to fly the helicopter jim-crack.

Daddy got her to do a lot of fetching. Good thing she was wearing that helmet during that activity!

A true horse whisperer...

... and equine massage therapist. Jake and Arby were very good boys. No squirrelly business, just great riding. There was the time we flushed out a herd of elk, and things were a little interesting then. No pics of riding, dangit. But great memories!!!

Da boyz, drinking from the pond. Jake took lots of dips in the pool.

Out for a nice walk. Aleaha insisted on using her lead rope on the dog, and for part of the time, he complied.

Sleeping in her bunkhouse bed.

Miss Miri, peering over her crib in the early morning hours.