Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Photo

It's a real chore planning for Kodak moments like these....Miri needed to go down for a nap, the horse needed to eat then be brushed, the matching jammies needed to be found, then we need a horse wrangler and a camera operator, but then who's gonna spot for the kids on the beast? (OK, Shorty, you hold real still now, ya hear?!)

Shorty channeled the little donkey who carried The Virgin Mary. He was a very good boy.

Christmas means goodies!

Making the first of several batches of Christmas goodies.

Pecan tassies for Daddy. Any excuse for a special pan, dough, and a tamper....

A nearly-instant gingerbread house. Just add stragegically-placed candy with pre-made, supplied frosting.  (made while little sister was napping - budgeted an hour for this task and was done in 25 minutes. Love that!)

The house came with 2 gingerbread people and a tree. Once Miri was up, it was time to get back at it.

I took this picture (above) because I thought she was done. Oh Noooooooo.....

She needed a few more squirts of goo.

And while Aleaha carefully applies a little "snow" to her tree, Miri reaches for some additional objects d'art.

She began to wonder why sprinkles would no longer stick.

Yes, she did enjoy eating it.

Squirmy Worms

It's hard to get those two to stay still for a photo. And when they do, they have silly expressions on their faces. Or someone isn't looking at the camera.

Silly bath girl.

Very silly bath girls.