Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Recent sunrise glowing through the trees.

Playing. Just playing.

Had to make a run to urgent care one evening, to learn that Miri was sick with a typical kid virus that would keep her out of school for 4 days. She was pretty run-down when we arrived there, but the Mickey Mouse masks were too inviting to resist, and she perked right up.

 Kids need to burn energy outside. So we caved and purchased another set of bikes, that hopefully will be easier to play on in spaces like we have (read: mud, grass, and gravel). It's fun to watch how they whip around on them.

And after a round of dirt-lovin' fun outside, they come in and play princess.

Forecast According to Miri

On the way home from school last night, we had this conversation:

Mom: "Hey Miri, how was your day? Did you get to play outside?"

Miri (big sigh): "Nooooo. It was weewy waining hard. Wots of dogs coming down. And cats too. So we couldent pway outsiiiide. It was weewy tehw-ible."