Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weekend Stuff

Someone covered herself with stickers. No, the one over the mouth didn't stay there long.

Went to the park for a ride on the bikes. M's trike is broken, so we took her Big Wheel, and she was smokin' fast on it! Totally kept up with A.

Sky-high pushes from Daddy.

Mommy's Helpers -- A washes eggs and M stirs the waffle batter.

Proud of herself.

Giving Shorty a carrot.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

For the requisite egg-coloring project, Miri marks with a white crayon, and...

Aleaha dunks.

On our way to the neighbors' for the first Egg Hunt of the day.

Getting lined up. On your mark, get set...


It was marvelous mahem for a while. There were about 300 candy-filled eggs for 10 kids. Everyone had a great time. (Thanks to Nick & Felice for the hospitality. We even had mimosas!! Woo-hoo!)

Learning to check the deep grass.

Quite a haul.

Forced photo op.

"Mom, I wuv Eastewhr. It's fun!!"

Goofy. (previous shot had eyes closed)

Miri, Jillian, and Aleaha
What a hollow chocolate bunny should look like.

What he looks like after sitting in the sun for a while. (Sorry, Miri. The Easter Bunny didn't realize that we really would be getting true sunshine. ah, but what a heavenly gift it was!)

Another hunt at home, with Gramma Patty. A great day!

Wild Child(s)

The girls love their silky long underwear. Mommy took advantage of an end-of-year sale to get these fun versions.

Friday, April 6, 2012

They really, really want in

BearCat and Purrl, through the window, trying hard with the sad-kitty-please-take-pity faces.

Cought with her hand in the bag

Sometimes one has to sneak in a nap, regardless of one's progress through a bag of popcorn.

Visual Puzzle

This is one of those puzzles where you are supposed to look carefully to see how many objects you can find. Amongst the many pillows and blankets, can you find 2 cozy children and 1 very comfy cat?