Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Cute pic of Miri and best pal Nicholas at school.

Purrl the kitty has discovered the barn. She also learned that Spiffy the dog goes in there. Hence the look on her face.

We are gearing up to move and put our house on the market. So Aleaha was helping spruce up the bathroom with a new coat of paint. Wow, what an improvement! 

A couple of cutie-pies.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Making Applesauce

A project of homemade applesauce has been on our summer-fun-to-do list for many weeks, and we finally made it happen. We picked the apples from the trees in the back yard, quartered them, and got them cooking. Convinced we would have gobs and gobs, it cooked down a lot and provided just 5 pint jars. Dang - those will be eaten up fast! Maybe we can make more sometime soon. It was fun and has a tasty, heathy outcome.

Aleaha was so pleased with our project that she insisted on wearing her apron the rest of the day, including for our errands to Bimart and the grocery store. :) (Thanks again to Aunt Jeannie for the darling apron - the apple theme is spot on!!)


Showing off their new pajamas while making breakfast one recent morning.

Field Trip to Marys Peak

Aleaha's school made the annual trek up Marys Peak. Mommy volunteered as a driver and chaperone. 

We made our way up the trail to the peak of the Peak.

The view was quite smokey, but pretty nonetheless.

She liked the vantage point, but we couldn't actually see to the ocean that day.

Took a short break with friends Addy, Maggie, and Finn.