Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Can we take a Kajuzzi?

The master bathroom has a Jacuzzi. The girls love this and beg to get in it every night. Except Miri -- who normally pronounces things properly -- has a little trouble with the word, and every time it comes out "Kajuzzi".

Miri,You're so Fashion

When Aleaha really wants to get get Miri's goat, she says, "Miri, you're so ....fashion." It doesn't even make sense to most people. But Miri can tell by the tone that whatever her sister is intending, it's not something complimentary. So of course she retorts, "I am not!"

Oh, but my dear, I think you really might be.

Darling outfit for an unusually warm mid-Fall day. Possibly the only time I will ever get her in this beautiful, custom-bade frock by my creative friend Jillian of JillyBeanVintage. (Aleaha has one too, made from reclaimed, vintage fabrics.)

Here was her choice of outfit for Thanksgiving Dinner.

My Miri, I don't know if you are Fashion or not, but I am certain that you are Three.

In the Library

We decided to set up the "formal living room" of the new house as a comfortable space for reading. A library, if you will. Miri immediately wanted to know, "Who will be our librarian?" 

The shelves are bursting with colorful, inviting books. Here's Aleaha, who was playing library with Miri....

I asked her to show me what book she was reading to her.

That's my girl!

(She was reading a recipe for mushroom sauce, she said. How ironic, as she will eat neither mushrooms nor sauce. Oh, but she can likely fix 'em!)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In the thick of the move

On our last night in the old house, GrammaBon elected to sleep on the couch. It was late and we all just wanted to crash. In order to make it a little more comfy, Purrl the Kitty pre-warmed her spot. Wasn't that sweet of her?

Aleaha was a box-making wonder and very helpful in our packing process.

While our beds are staged in the old house, our girls are comfy in their new, big shared bedroom sleeping on camping cots (thank you, Holly & Jon!). Unbelievely, Miri has actually been sleeping through the night better than before! There is something about the coziness of a sleeping bag....

Thursday, November 1, 2012


It was not easy to work in the fun things about Halloween, because we have too much happening for the move. But we did it, even if it was fast & furious.

We carved pumpkins one night.

Looking pretty good!

Miri was a self-titled "HyperBat". Here she was at school, practicing her wing-flapping.

Aleaha wanted to be a Vampire-Witch, with scary face paint. We must have done it up right, because at one of the houses we visited that night, a little girl helping answer the door started crying in fright. Uh-Oh!! We didn't mean to be that scary! (And yes, I think it's much more adorable when little kids dress up in charming outfits, like Little Bo Peep or Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. But this is what the girls wanted, and I didn't have the energy, time, or creativity to do otherwise. We downscoped our objectives -- dressed up, got candy, had fun. There ya go!)