Sunday, December 30, 2012

Super Much

I'm so grateful for some downtime. Been spending lots of time hugging the kids. That's the best use of time EVER.

Mom to Miri:  Do you know how much I love you?

Miri to Mom:  Super much.

Monday, December 17, 2012

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas

It was finally time for the annual Gingerbread House making! (thank heavens for the pre-made kits). Aleaha also made a felt version earlier in the day, as a keep-'er-busy-and-quiet-during-Miri's-naptime activity.

Opportunistic photo snapped before school the other day. They insisted on pulling candy canes off the tree for posing.

More Miri

Last Friday was a hard day at school - missed her nap. Thus, she fell asleep on the way home, snack in hand.

What she said while parading around the house in this is not blog-appropriate. Hilarious, but not for public consumption!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree

Tree is up! From this photo, it looks like we decorated three trees. Hey, does that mean we get extra credit??

Little Miri Update

She's very, fully, absolutely, in-the-midst-of Three Years Old. She's a spitfire. A wonder. A handful.

Fell asleep watching TV the other night. Aleaha said, "The beautifully classic Christmas music from the show made her fall asleep, Mom!"

She wanted to take a walk, just as it was getting dark. Mom agreed to go down the driveway with her. She ran all the way back. And still had energy left over.

She and Aleaha were playing "bathtub" in Mommy's antique toy bucket (which used to be used to feed calves).

In looking for something in her room yesterday, I came upon her secret stash. Clearly this is where she has hidden a few things of big importance to her. On the left is a toy wooden skewer that was taken away from her at one point, because she was too rough with it (running it along the banister to make noise), and she found it again. In the center is a ziplock bag of glitter glue that is about to bust out all over the place (rest assured it was REMOVED after this pic was taken!), and on the right are the 2 new chapsticks she was just given (note the "M" on the caps, to distinguish hers from her sister's). It's probably a good thing she put them out of sight from her sister, because Aleaha has lost hers within 24 hours of receipt, and she just might find a way to change that "M" to an "A" and claim it was always that way.

They are so sly. They think!

Light is a Good Thing

View when going to pick up Aleaha the other day.