Thursday, May 15, 2014


View walking back from the barn last night, with the full moon. Much more awesome in person.

The Usual Stuff

While at Costco recently they wanted to stand in line all by themselves to get a treat.

Good thing they stick together.

Can you see the 4-year-old sleeping in this pile of fleece? She's a comfort-bug, for sure.

Working together to oil and salt some bread for grilling.

Building a barn with Lincoln Logs. (Note cat having fun time with toys too)

Miri made a visit to the kindergarten rooms of her new school (for next year). She was unusually shy, but I know she won't be like that for long.

Her daycare hosted a lovely Mother-Child Tea for Mother's Day. It was a lot of fun. A special time -- our last kiddo in daycare. *sigh*

Horses Update

We put up a temporary grazing area and while Shorty was being moved to it, the other 3 lined themselves up at the gate, eager to help mow. They're all about the call of duty, of course. (And doo-dee, too.)

Shorty and Quigly demonstrate that all-important social horse quality known as "you scratch my back...."

The ones that aren't founder-prone get first dibs at the new upper pasture. Wahoo!