Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Fun

Gramma and Granpa came over this year to help us throw the Halloween party with the Haunted Forest Hay Ride.

We were the Freakish Farmer and Creep Queen.

Quite the couple

Brain cake was fun

Gramma was a Fortune Teller, so she read the kids' fortunes.

We had some ghoulish ghosts hanging in the trees by the second pond.

So fun!

And the Dancing Witches reappeared this year.

The graveyard was wonderful (looked better in the dark)

Lots of signs, warning all of their fate!


Around the Place

Amazing morning

Misty beauty

Had a load of gravel delivered, but we couldn't spread it right away. The horses were happy to help move it around. Rascals!

All better!

Another gorgeous sunrise...

... and moonrise.

Family Stuff

We finally made it to OMSI. They girls loved it!

The planetarium and space-related things were a hit.

Goofy girls

Definitely a place for the kids

And the submarine was awesome for all of us!

Will be fun to go back.

We also took in the races at Willamette Speedway. (Won't soon forget how our backs felt after sitting in those bleachers)

We had a fun trip to a local corn maze.

The weather cooperated, fortunately.

Scary good time.

After selecting pumpkins, Miri wanted to get the wheelbarrow to help haul them back.

Aleaha was in dire need of help.

Miri to the rescue!


I don't have many photos from this year. I had a bit of a problem with my back, but after some good care from Chris and help from friends, I was Back in the Saddle Again!

The best selfies have horses in them. :)

Sisters Update

First day of Fourth and First Grades.

They made hand towels for the shop.

Playing school.

So cute!

Aleaha Update

Making "Fudge Jumbles"

The night she got her violin!

Halloween preview...She wants to be Abigail Adams (as in, First Lady of President John Adams)

She's dutifully practicing (although technically she's not supposed to use the bow yet, but we are breaking that rule)

Baker Aleaha, at it again (this time, it's biscotti)

Aleaha has some very exciting news - she has become licensed to race in the Junior Dragster category at Woodburn next year. Look out world - this kid went 51 mph!

She's got a special crew that helps get everything ready. 

For an assignment at school, she had to make us guess a little. I'm not so sure this is really her.. If she had a million dollars, she would give it to charity? She wants a bigger family! WOW

Miri Update

From our visit to EO in August. Let's see how much Charlie grows! (and Miri too, of course)

A rare occurrence...Miri was CLEANING!

Drying apples. The apples disappeared very quickly!

She had a play date with a friend and got all gussied up.

Aleaha was off doing something pretty exciting (more on that separately), so Mommy and Miri saddled up for a ride.

For the first time ever, we ponied Shorty behind Quigly. 

Silly shot with shadow of Mommy's arm and camera over Shorty's face.

Miri took this photo. Mommy loves it!!

And she's comfortable enough to just sleep on a horse, too!