Monday, October 27, 2008

Ah, finally figured this posting thing out.

OK, I had been posting each photo as its own post. Not necessary. I think I get it now.....

Here is Chris playing logger with the tractor. We had a widowmaker (hate that phrase!) tree that needed to come down on our terms, not on our fence in a windstorm. Where is Miss A? Asleep safely in her bed at this time.

Here is Aleaha enjoying an apple from Howie's house (Holly). She ate about 3 of them while standing right there. When she saw me post this picture, she asked for more, of course. Then she wanted to know where her Bucking Horse shirt is. (Laundry, of course. She wears that thing twice a week!)

When we visited the pumpkin patch, she was frustrated that we couldn't find a purple pumpkin. We cruise the aisles at Target, and what does she spy? Yes, a purple pumpkin. Here she is sleeping on the way home from that trip avec purple pumpkin and Brownie, her horse.

Speaking of horse, Mommy got to take advantage of the fantastic weather on Sunday and go for a ride. Here is Jake at the top of Bald Hill. He was working up a sweat! (I actually got off and hiked part of it myself, much to his appreciation. My bum really needed the exercise!)

Here is one happy and confident little rider atop her purple saddle. Thank you, Aunt Peg! (See how curly Jake is getting? We might have a doozy of a winter!)

On Sunday morning we carved the pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns, and that night we put them on the porch and lit the candles. Aleaha says they are "vewwy dooey (scary) a night, but not a daytime, Mom."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Took some convincing to get her in this tunnel. She doesn't exactly looked thrilled, eh?

Woohoo - she got to go by herself this year!

Back for 2008, Aleaha gets ready for another ride on the Muddy Creek Maze Moo-Train!

She's two, but that's not too old to snuggle in for a nappette on Daddy.

Aleaha -- disguised as Jumper -- watches a little "BB" (TV).

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's a little hard to see this, but this is Miss A wearing her "How-ween tostume". It's supposed to be a little kid riding a horse (hence the extra, dangling legs appearing to be in stirrups). But she doesn't want to be someone riding a horse, she wants to be a horse.

And just like a little wild filly who has never been saddled, it took weeks to get her to warm up to actually wearing this giddy-up. The first time she had it on, she got cinched up a little too tight, and has been shy/spooked about it. We had to hang this thing in the living room and discuss it for two weeks. Talk about desensitization (sacking out?)! Finally, she was willing to try it again. And then what happened? You parents know this one -- we can hardly get her out of it! She's worn it each night. Pretty funny to see how she sits in her swing and manages all that extra horseflesh. Oh, and she named him "Jumper".

Wait until she realizes what happens when you wear your costume and say "Trick-or-Treat". Can you say One Trick Pony??

There are something like 12 toddlers in this photo. Are these teachers brave people or what? We sooooo appreciate you, Teacher Sylvia and Teacher Ashley!! (Also pictured, Teacher Cherish from Aleaha's previous classroom) Aleaha is the one with the telephone pole coming out of the top of her head. Alternatively, look for the purple kid. That'd be her.

Our favorite rooster!! ;) (And if you only could see how true this has become... our chickens actually think Chris is their, um, Special Guy. It's hilarious.)

We three went to the Heavenly Harvest pumpkin patch and farmer's market this week with Aleaha's school.

We went to our friend Jim's birthday party, and Aleaha wore her new purple dress and fancy tights. She was stylin' (and not shy about it)!

Wearing Dad's hat.

Monday, October 6, 2008

And J is for Jake.

C is for Chloe.

That's my little Barn Goddess! "No, no, Mom! My do it!!" And do I argue with that?? Nooooo!

Spiffy pulls Aleaha (and Mom) up the hill. Good dog!

OK, I know this is Aleaha's Blog and she's not in this picture, but I can't resist putting up a picture of my Marlboro Man -- er, I mean, my Gorton's Fisherman-Meets-Marlboro-Man. As a bday present to me, Chris arranged for Aleaha's favorite Child Care Professional (Tami, aka T-T) to stay with her so we could go riding. Rain-schmain... who cares?! We went riding, snug and dry in our dusters. Chris's is neon orange, which is good for safety's sake, of course. Or when you need to be tracked by any orbiting satellite.