Monday, October 27, 2008

Ah, finally figured this posting thing out.

OK, I had been posting each photo as its own post. Not necessary. I think I get it now.....

Here is Chris playing logger with the tractor. We had a widowmaker (hate that phrase!) tree that needed to come down on our terms, not on our fence in a windstorm. Where is Miss A? Asleep safely in her bed at this time.

Here is Aleaha enjoying an apple from Howie's house (Holly). She ate about 3 of them while standing right there. When she saw me post this picture, she asked for more, of course. Then she wanted to know where her Bucking Horse shirt is. (Laundry, of course. She wears that thing twice a week!)

When we visited the pumpkin patch, she was frustrated that we couldn't find a purple pumpkin. We cruise the aisles at Target, and what does she spy? Yes, a purple pumpkin. Here she is sleeping on the way home from that trip avec purple pumpkin and Brownie, her horse.

Speaking of horse, Mommy got to take advantage of the fantastic weather on Sunday and go for a ride. Here is Jake at the top of Bald Hill. He was working up a sweat! (I actually got off and hiked part of it myself, much to his appreciation. My bum really needed the exercise!)

Here is one happy and confident little rider atop her purple saddle. Thank you, Aunt Peg! (See how curly Jake is getting? We might have a doozy of a winter!)

On Sunday morning we carved the pumpkins into Jack-o-Lanterns, and that night we put them on the porch and lit the candles. Aleaha says they are "vewwy dooey (scary) a night, but not a daytime, Mom."

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