Monday, April 6, 2009

March Update

Been too long. It's not like nothin' has been happening, but we don't even seem to have time to snap a few pics and write a post. Here's what was found recently from the camera phone, which is a light chronicle of what we've done lately....

Took a drive to Newport in Mid-March. I wanted to look at the ships. And buy candy at the candy shop. And run in the sand. But we didn't see the sand, cuz it was too wet.

This is how to eat chicken. ("'Enry the VIIIth I am, I am...")

"This is how to eat whipped cream off the beater." (As if any of us need a lesson....)

Those are horses on my "stirt" (skirt), and Mom calls it an Easter hat but I call it a "Cowboy Hat". I wore it most of the day.

Here I am helping Dad put up the new birdhouse we built. I'm holding the drill. "I can hold thing pitty good, ya know."

"Now we haf to wait for the birdies to come yiv in it."

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