Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer Fun

Mommy took Aleaha and Miri blueberry picking earlier this week. It was one of the hottest days of the year (stupid! but we needed to get out of the house for a bit). We just went down the road a spell. Turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, because the bushes were sorely picked over, and there were no berries at Aleaha's level. So we didn't put too much time into it. Just enough to say we did it and "put by" a quart of berries in the freezer.

Here's a silly shot of her wearing her favorite lead rope. She looks awfully proud, eh? (Hmm, this better not lead to other things later in life... whips, chains, etc.)

And finally it was time to go to the Benton County Fair! After downing some quick fair fare, we hit the pony ride. She was hoping to ride "Silver", the same one as last year. But Silver wasn't there. "Bamboo" obliged us for the ride. Aleaha was Little Miss Serious the whole time. (And then later, when she took another spin before leaving the fair, she was suddenly all smiles about it. Can't 'splain it.)

Then it was off to the Ferris Wheel. However, we don't have any pictures of that because she was full of talk about it, but didn't actually want to ride it. Whatever! Instead, she had spied the carousel, and that's all she could think about. She took a turn on a black one first, and then, after a good ride on a mean-looking roller coaster with Dad, she went back for a ride on a white one.

Time for ice cream!

She fell in love with the aerobatics of the airplane world. And the best part of all was that these things were actually kid-controlled! She was using the stick and pushing the buttons to make the plane go up and down. (Mommy was jealous, having very specific memories of the Dumbo ride at Disneyland, where the controls in the cockpit were merely for looks.)

And what did Mirielle think of the fair? Here's her A-1 activity:

(She was very happy to be hauled around in the Baby Bjorn for 4 hours. Hollered loudly - rivalling Aleaha! -- when it was time to go home.)

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