Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of 2009

The year is ending, and it's a good time to take stock of where we are in life (I usually do that around my birthday -- can't help but do it at New Year's time too). Undoubtedly our best experience was welcoming Miri to the family.

Here are a few pics off the cameras from the last couple of weeks.

Happy swinging girl.

Tentative strolling-in-the-rain girl.

We attempted to go for a walk that would have been a couple of miles. We barely made it to the mailbox, unfortunately. The rain was one thing, but the screaming baby was the real reason for turning back. :(

Aleaha insisted on pushing the Bob....and she nearly went off the road a few times. Hmm, maybe that has something to do with the screaming?

Here's Miss A on the way to PR for Christmas. Nothing like amping up a 3-year-old with chocolate milk and frosted animal crackers, then going for a 300 mile car trip. Ah, but the threat of Santa not visiting naughty kids that night was veeeerrry useful for Mommy and Daddy. We had to come up with something else to use as leverage for the ride home.

Rolling out tart dough while wearing new princess jammies from Aunt Jodi.

Miri helps Mommy with chores at the barn.

"Hey Teddy, let's do some yoga. OK?"

"First, grab your toes, like this."

"Here, maybe I can help you."

"Teddy, that's not a yoga pose!!"

Gramma Patty came over for a Christmas Make-Up Dinner. This is the darling outfit Holly gave Miri -- complete with red bloomers!

What a cute elf!

Made Spanakopita the other day. Miri tested out the basil for us first.

"I'm awful cute."

"Bet y'all wish you could do this!"

Miri enjoys a biter biscuit -- she rubs it very hard across her gums. Sweet relief! Poor thing is teething. We all hate that.

Aleaha, eating the lemon tart. Scratch that --Aleaha, eating whipped cream off the tart.

"What, Mom?"

On New Year's Eve, Holly and Mommy and Miri made a trek to Portland to hit St. Honore Bakery. YUUUUM.

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