Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finally Some February Fotos

Aleaha and Mommy at lunch together one day at Elmer's.

Aleaha's teachers made posters of some things the kids had said in response to certain questions. This particular question was "If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?" Some of the answers were very interesting, and a bit telling of home life. My favorite was this: "I'd be a cookie monster bird. I would go to a green bird house and eat chicken nuggets."

Bathing beauties.

I'm ready for my close-up.

Cutie Pie.

Aleaha sits on Jake and curries the mud from his mane and whithers. They both loved it.

More of that schnoogie-boogie smile.

Miss Miri has dispensed with the pureed baby food and began to ask for table foods. Oh yeah!

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