Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bathtime, Breakfast Out, Etc.

Miri-n-Mommy, the two-headed monster. Note the cute tuft of hair coming out of her hat. Remember the ditty "There was a little girl, who had a little curl...."? She epitomizes that!

Aleaha asked to make cupcakes on Saturday morning. I broke down and broke open the boxed mix and canned frosting. Even gilded the lily with sprinkles. We were eating cupcakes in about 25 minutes. Wow, I forgot how good immediate gratification can be. I don't really need to be such a baking snob. That simple little exercise made me a very popular mommy that day, and I'm good with that.

Daddy suggested breakfast out on Saturday morn, so we hit our local CD&J Cafe (from the outside, you might call it "Seedy and J"). It was a good time! The girls were well behaved and ate up their breakfast.

Miri starts with a fruit course. Not so cool to eat off the table, but we washed it well before and after. And left a stunningly big tip. Must do that when eating out with babes, you know.

Schnoogie-pie sleeping in one morning. Like that'll ever happen again.

Aleaha convinces me that she can give Miri her bath.

She even washed her hair, although Miri was not quite so confident everything would work out OK.

A little resemblance going' on here.


1 comment:

Liliana said...

Omg!! Those bath shots are the best!! Can't wait to have some of my boys too. Hopefully mine won't drown each other though. Your little ladies look so happy.