Sunday, May 16, 2010

Getting her to eat her eggs

Aleaha was a great eater as a baby, and then she entered the preschool stage and got picky. It's sometimes a challenge to get good food down her, at least in the quantities we as parents consider sufficient for growth and development.

But this morning, it was easy to get her to eat 2 eggs plus a biscuit. We had soft-boiled eggs, and we did all the pomp required....little special egg cups, special spoons, special cut-the-top-off-the-egg gizmos. Plus we made drop biscuits and she got to put on her own jelly from a tiny jelly jar. Peaceful breakfast, at last. And she actually ate all the eggs and didn't have room for the biscuit and jam. Anyone with a 3-going-on-4-year old knows that that almost never happens. They fill up on the starch and then somehow can't seem to eat their protein.

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