Friday, August 6, 2010

Benton Co. Fair

We got some great family time one evening, soaking in the magic of the fair! Aleaha is ALL ABOUT going to the fair, and why not? Food, critters, pony rides, and the carnival!

Aleaha had a bit of an incident leaving the chickens' and bunnies' building, where her forehead unexpectedly contacted a doorframe, resulting in a big goose egg. Mom's fix -- get thee to the pony rides, stat!!
Love this shot and the name of her chosen plane.

After some quick flight lessons, she figured out how to go up-up-up. I know this is just a pee-wee ride, but as the mom I still get butterflies when I see my child up in the air like this.

She looooooves riding the rollercoasters. And a pink one? Well, all the more!

These "dragons" were supposed to spin around individually as well as on the larger circuit. But it was kid-powered, and Aleaha and her riding mates didn't know how to make it spin. Oh well. All the easier to keep your dinner down!

She's fine to ride alone, and here she figured out the self-spinning technique required.

Daddy's at the wheel for some great fun in the bumper cars. (I remember loving the idea of bumpercars, but hating the actual experience. I would always get stuck in the center, boxed in by more agressive drivers and never able to move. Daddy was able to get that car moving all over the place. He is a professional racecar driver, of course!)

Another one of those scary shots of my flesh-and-blood hanging precariously in the air, entrusted to operators of questionable, uh, capacities.
Oh, but shoot, they were having so much fun. Is Mom supposed to squelch all that?

The carousel ride is still a favorite, fortunately.

Miri had a great time too, even if she is too short for any of the rides. There's still lots to look at!


LittleBitOfSunshine said...

Oh that looks like so much fun. Can't wait until Emery can appreciate the fair!

Shell said...

Yup, Elena, it's tops. It's pretty fun when you can bring so much fun to them. :) (And of course we hope it balances out some of the other sides of parenting!)

PJ said...

A good time was had by all - did you eat any corndogs? Great yidder fam shots :) Love to all of you! Auntie P

Liliana said...

Look at her!! She's one brave lady! I used to go on all the rides and now I get butterflies on the swing at the park. What happened?!?!

I can smell that fried grease smell now.... Corn dogs. Hmmm.