Monday, August 2, 2010

The B's come to visit!

Miss Miri helps reorganize the cupboards. She so helpful like that.

Jodi and I went for a super trail ride during their visit. The boys were fantastic, and the scenery was great. Wish we could do that every weekend!

Three little monkey-girls, swinging.

Ella was a great entertainer for Miri. Here they are playing in the tent in the backyard.

Ella and Aleaha were inseparable, and Aleaha cried and cried when her cousins left.

We visited The Great Oregon Steam Up with the whole family. The train ride was surely one of the most popular attractions.

Daddy needed a hat for shade, so we bought one from a vendor. He fit right in!

My single shot of Tyler. Hey, that really was a little grin under there! :)

Those two held hands a lot. Cute!

It was kind of a long activity for Miri to endure. Mommy forgot the sunscreen, so we sought shade everywhere. Fortunately it wasn't too hot, and Miri used her blankie a lot too.

Working model of a washing machine and pump. Something my family can truly relate to! While the menfolk were all over using the engine for transportation and cutting and destroying things, someone (a woman, maybe?) was inspired to make housework a tad easier.

Cool display of cross-cut saws and handles. Notice how there are no scenes painted onto these? These are the real thing!

1 comment:

PJ said...

Love your gorgeous pix - great memories for the cuz-ints! Thanks for sharing - I meese all of you! Luv Auntie Peg