Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kelly & Sylvie visit, plus we hit the zoo!

Aunt Kelly and Cousin Sylvie came down for a weekend visit, and we had a great time. Didn't get many photos, darnit. (uh, yeah, like ONE....)

Kelly helped put up a ton of hay (first of the season - ugh!). Here she is, hay-surfing on the way back from the barn.

Later, we met up with Uncle Mike and Cousin Hank at the zoo.

Group shot.

There was a great interactive display of mongoose, where kids could crawl underneath and join in on the fun. Hank decided he fit right in.

Miri had a blast. She is officially walking and didn't really like being held, pushed in the Bob, or even in the backpack, when she can be on her Own Two Feet, thankyouverymuch.

Aleaha was all smiles to ride on the zoo train.

Cute shot of Sylvie playing on a jungle-gym gizmo near the primates. How appropriate for the all those kiddos!
We stopped off at ClaimJumper on the way home for an early dinner. Miri gobbled her food and entertained us with her napkin skills.


PJ said...

And a good time was had by all! Kudos to Miri for her new skills :) Love to all of you!

Liliana said...

What the heck??? These kids are sooo huge!

I can't wait to see little Miri. I bet she's gonna LOVE sitting through the parade. "I do it by 'self" stage. Ugh. :-) Once it starts, does it ever end????