Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Car Seats and Playing in the Pool

Miri graduated to a forward-facing seat. It's not new to her, as she inherited Aleaha's (yeah, that's gonna be her fate for a while!). And Aleaha is now in a big-girl booster seat.

She's loving the new view, and she says that cupholder is "da bomb"!

Aleaha loves hers too. She can now unbuckle herself, which is not the coolest thing. Mom & Dad would rather that she could buckle herself in and not be able to get it undone on her own.

Here are a few shots of Aleaha enjoying her class field trip to the Aquatics Center. Kids + Pool = Lots of Fun!

Mommy got to make a quick visit, just to take a few pictures. I uploaded more, but Blogspot had some hiccup and I lost some photos.

UPDATE: Here are the missing photos....

Aleaha loved going down the slide with her teachers.

She was convinced that in this moment, she has learned how to swim. So, you know, check that off the Bucket List.

1 comment:

PJ said...

Stylin' girls! love you :)