Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Productive Weekend

We made good use of the great fall weather to get ready for the icky winter we know will come: We stacked the last ton of hay in the barn; filled the freezer with pork; and cut and stacked a bunch of well-seasoned fir for next year's wood. Chores of the season!

Here's Aleaha atop the stack. We have 130 bales in there today (just over 7 ton), which will get us to next summer.

Miri helps Daddy on the 4-wheeler. Here they are getting ready to go check on the goats & llama.

Miri has a good time feeding the horses each day, especially if it involves giving them apples or working in the alfalfa pellets.

And of course, amongst all the chores, there's been a little playing too.....

We brought back Mommy's toybox from Gramma & Grandpa's house. It's fun to play in!

Miri is at that stage of opening the cupboards and working (not playing!) with all the contents. She is allowed to get into most of them, and is learning to be gentle with the glass ones (you'll be glad to know that following this photo and realizing she's barefoot, the glass jars were quickly removed!). Here she whips up a little something special.

The girls go for a short horse ride through the livingroom.

This was a creepy thing. Notice the spider in the web (against the background of the goat feeder at this angle, it's pretty easy to see). Well, Mommy saw this just before Aleaha was about to walk into it. Whew, glad we didn't do that! Then Mommy walked right into one just like it. She freaked out quite a bit.

Halloween is a favorite time of year in our house. Aleaha gets brave and smooshes the pumpkin guts between her fingers in order to get the seeds out.

Final result. Aleaha's (on left) is pretty basic, at her request. Miri's is a moon and stars (also per Aleaha's request), but it's not lookin' so recognizable. Oh well, we don't get any trick-or-treaters anyway!


PJ said...

Shell - you have a couple of great farmhands there! Loved looking at the update :) Meese all of you - Auntie Peg

Unknown said...

This is miri I'm 10 now!