Monday, November 29, 2010

Horse Gate, Thanksgiving, Etc.

Daddy worked really hard building the coolest thing -- an automatic gate for Jake! The picture is awful, unfortunately. But the gate is so neat, we just have to brag about it some more....Jake goes right inside, we pull a handle to close the gate, then flip a switch. We feed him his Very Special Jake-Only Food, and about 20 minutes later, the timer automatically opens the door and he goes out. IT ROCKS. But not as much as Daddy. :)

Two purple girls on a purple horsie blankie.

A barn goddess in the making. (Glitter skirt optional.)

Miri and Mommy on a Bob-stroll.

On a rare snowy day, we traipsed outside for a little adventure. (Hey, the schools were closed and we were cooped up at home, so we NEEDED a little outside time.)

We fed the birdies a lot of food that day. Miri is not unfamiliar with the scooper, of course.

Downing a little pie after Thanksgiving dinner. She knows where her pie-hole is, eh? And you should see her sign for whipped cream! She moves her hand in a circle, as if she's applying it to a pie, saying "SCHTTTTTTT". She gets the point across.

Aleaha enjoyed the pie so much, she asked for it sans whipped cream. And she even knows it's made from a vegetable!

After a long weekend of Mommy cooking and Daddy doing dishes, we enjoyed a night out at Ixtapa. Gee, is that more whipped cream Miri spied?

Aleaha is quite the ham.

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