Monday, January 24, 2011

Of doctor's trips and kitty cats

It was time for both girls to visit the doctor. Here they are coloring in the waiting room. "Mom, it's good they have this table right here. And it's even kid-size!", says Aleaha.

Julius Von BearCat rides again!!! These are hilarious and very energetic kitties. They scramble on top of everything, and frequently can be found on one of the horses in the livingroom. (I just realized how that sounds. haha Yes, we are a horsie clan.)

Our mouths are for eating

Miss Miri shows us how she can use her mouth for something besides yelling... of which she does a lot.

Our family, in boots

Aunt Peg posted the cutest pic of Uncle Wes' boots on FaceBook. Inspired me. Here we have our family's much-worn boots. Gee, can you tell what season it is?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Newest Family Members

We have adopted two kittens.

With the loss over of the last year of Carly and Mrs. Jones, we had some openings on the team. But we wanted to wait until Miri was a little older. Mommy's goal was to get two (so they would play well with each other) and somewhat young (so they would adapt to our household and busy-ness more easily). Daddy's goal was to make sure they were easy to tell apart. So they came from two different litters, but they are very close in age.

Meet the kitties...

Pretty little Purrl PussyCat (Aleaha's cat).

Adorable little Julius Von BearCat (called "Jules" by Miri). He's Miri's main kitty.

Miri offers Purrl a bite of apple. A nice gesture, but not exactly what she was after.

Miri reads books to Julius BearCat. Hmm, perhaps "Good Dog Carl" wasn't the best choice??

Purrl is very patient and calm.

Aaaaahhh, pat the kitty....

Love the kitty!

Aleaha and her kitty share an affection for the same spot on the couch. Fortunately, her kitty is very patient and loves to be held/smothered.
What exactly does Miri think of the kitties? She says, "Hooray!"

These kitties are, as Daddy says, "farts in a skillet". They move dangerously fast around the house. Can't get clear pictures unless they are sleeping, they move so fast. Definitely tripping hazards! If Miri sees one, she immediately wants to know where the other "une" is. ("Une" or "oon" is her word for one, or sometimes for "you" in "I love une.")
But when she sees Jules, she says "Mine!", loud and clear.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nice Day for a Walk

On our last day off before it was time to go back to work & school, we took a walk in the very chilly-but-sunny weather. Here is a shot of Aleaha with Marys Peak in the background.

To EO for Christmas

We were able to take a few days to see family in EO, celebrate Christmas, and get some time to play in the snow.

Aleaha readies her saucer to take on the hill, while Uncle Mike watches below.

Down she goes! (Uncle Mike now appears at the bottom of the hill, supervising the landings. We had a couple of cases of nearly-lost sleds and sledders, as the darn things tended to take off in the wrong direction. On her first time down, Aleaha swerved off the hill, went over a lip of snow, caught a lot of air, and did a bit of a loop-de-loop. Mom was afraid she was hurt, because she was almost in tears. But all was proven fine when Aleaha said, "Um, Mom, was that cool?")

Miri loved her new baby sled from Gramma Bon. She preferred to sit in it and watch the happenings, close to wherever Mommy was.

We tried to see if Miri would like to go down the hill with Uncle Mike, but NOTHIN' DOIN' was her response.

"Hey Mom, my finger is cold. Can I put it in your nose?"

Miri didn't have snow boots or pants, but she did like to stand for a few minutes....

...until Mommy left her next to the snowman. Not nice, Mama!!

Quick photo op with G'ma Bon.

Happy Snow Bunnies.

These were a couple of very tired kiddos on the way back home!