Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To EO for Christmas

We were able to take a few days to see family in EO, celebrate Christmas, and get some time to play in the snow.

Aleaha readies her saucer to take on the hill, while Uncle Mike watches below.

Down she goes! (Uncle Mike now appears at the bottom of the hill, supervising the landings. We had a couple of cases of nearly-lost sleds and sledders, as the darn things tended to take off in the wrong direction. On her first time down, Aleaha swerved off the hill, went over a lip of snow, caught a lot of air, and did a bit of a loop-de-loop. Mom was afraid she was hurt, because she was almost in tears. But all was proven fine when Aleaha said, "Um, Mom, was that cool?")

Miri loved her new baby sled from Gramma Bon. She preferred to sit in it and watch the happenings, close to wherever Mommy was.

We tried to see if Miri would like to go down the hill with Uncle Mike, but NOTHIN' DOIN' was her response.

"Hey Mom, my finger is cold. Can I put it in your nose?"

Miri didn't have snow boots or pants, but she did like to stand for a few minutes....

...until Mommy left her next to the snowman. Not nice, Mama!!

Quick photo op with G'ma Bon.

Happy Snow Bunnies.

These were a couple of very tired kiddos on the way back home!

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