Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hangin' together

Just a few recent shots from mommy's phone....

Our car is a mobile playroom. Mommy purposely keep lots of stuff in there, within reach of the kiddos. It might be a cluttered car, but it functions and helps keep everyone happy during our many miles of commuting each day. There are some "essentials" in our way of being: sippy cups, check; binky, check... sunglasses (seasonally-dependent), stuffed animals, blankies, snacks, coloring books, wetwipes, extra clothes, check-check-check. Mommy can't believe that people can manage to have kids and their cars' backseats don't give it away. Where's all their stuff??

The wagon was used through the winter to help move and hold firewood. (Hey, we're a practical bunch, and it fit the need.) Finally we were able to put it back to its original purpose -- hauling kids! Aleaha pulled Miri all over the yard one afternoon, helping out with chores.

Aleaha gets the best laughs out of Miri. They can get a little rambuctious at times, but overall the happy squealing is worth it.

While running errands last weekend, two little ones "got all worn out." It's moments like these when mommy decides to take the long way home. :)

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