Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Took the girls to Woodburn to watch Daddy race. Moments after getting onto the freeway to head home, this was the view in the rear view mirror. Aleaha often tries to go without a nap, but if the day has been especially busy -- as those types of days can be -- then she (along with the whole family!) benefits from the rest.

We love to take weekend walks at "Ami-Park" (Willamette Park). If you ask Miri her favorite part, she says, "Unning!" (running).

Having fun in her play tent.

Enjoying a little fruit snack together, in the tent, of course.

Got these big buckets to help organize things, and they soon became great vehicles of fun in and of themselves!

Miri loves the mower! She burns off lots of energy pushing that thing as much as possible.

Miri has learned how to climb up the big slide ladder by herself (yikes). We have to watch her like a hawk, naturally. You'll hear her laughing, saying "My turn!!", and calling after her sister: "Yii-Yah!")

Lovin' that bright sunshine! (even if it's fleeting)

We found a bird nest on the ground near our fence. It was lined with -- guess what? -- our goat's hair!

Miri has been having a heckuva time with some teeth that are coming in, and the late afternoons and evenings are hard for her. She's already medicated, so Mommy tries to find other things to do to take her mind off her hurting mouth. Last night, that meant a trip on the 4-wheeler to the barn to feed the horses. She was great help, of course. If the pellet level in the bin is high enough, she can scoop it, and that's great entertainment. If it's not - she'll let ya know!!

This was Aleaha this morning, when I woke her up for school.

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