Friday, August 26, 2011

The Zoo

It was high time for the annual Miller Zoo Trek. (You know, were you spend more time in the car than at the zoo, and no matter how you time your leaving of the house, you will arrive during someone's naptime.)

The Fates were on our side this trip, fortunately. Miri slept on the way up, we had just the right amount of snacks to keep our own animals from getting too growly, and Mommy enjoyed NOT pushing a stroller -- for the first time in 5 years. :)

The girls had darling giraffe-print dresses. Don't you just want to lock them up??

And they were under pretty good voice command that day, so they were let off the leashes.

Seeing a giant polar bear on other side of glass from my cubs is always just a little fear-inducing to this mamma bear...

Quick snapshot of Aleaha by elephants. Each animal stop was pretty short.

Must-get shot with giraffes in background and their mastcot in foreground.

Silly girls on the train.

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