Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Today is Aleaha's first day of kindergarten.

The girls this morning, in the must-take shot for the First Day of School.


Aleaha and Ms Jenny, her teacher.

We had a bit of a rough start to this kindergarten business. Without going into inappropriate or incriminating detail on a blog (can you say dooce?)....We thought -- for the last 12 months! -- that she would be enrolled in a full-day kindergarten program in one nearby public school. One iwth a great reputation. But that would prove not to be the case. They didn't offer a true full-day program, and we weren't satisfied with a kindergarten program of 2 hours, 40 mins. We panicked. Cuz she is ready for a full-day program. We need a full-day program!

We even looked into private schools (for a nanosecond). Ah, but we still have to pay our mortgage, darnit.
So they said, Have you considered applying for financial aid? Loans?
And we said, For kindergarten?!?

The day before she was to start at that other school, we learned of and enrolled her in the last open spot in a nearby charter school, for a full-day program. So far (ya, it's really only been one day), we are thrilled with the fit.

It's made for an interesting story.

This picture was taken at the orientation for the first school we enrolled in. Note the look on their faces. Turns out Miss Miri was projectile vomitting all over the floor at the moment this pic was snapped. Nice. I think the teacher and custodian are glad we didn't return.

After attending Aleaha's new charter school orientation this week, Miri happily announced,

"Mom, I not throw up at Yi-ya's new school! Dat's weawwy good!!"

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