Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oh hell, let's just go out for dinner

Daddy had a business trip that took him away from home on Mommy's birthday. Wanting to have a break from cooking and doing dishes, Mom took the girls out to Pastini's for dinner. It was a hit!

Aleaha prefers plain pasta, and they delivered! They also serve her FAVORITE vegetable - broccolini. Whodathunk? She was well-satiated.

Miri scarfed mac-n-cheese and bits of a salad. Then we all split 2 giant desserts and waddled away. A large tip was left for the waitress, and we had this entertainment on the way home....

Miri is dominating the singing of Happy Birthday. She knows how to sing it properly, but was being recalcitrant - a specialty of many 2-year-olds. And she wouldn't let Aleaha have a turn.

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