Monday, January 23, 2012

Flood of 2012

We've been having a lot of weather, lately.

 A view on Jan 19 from Fern Road, looking northeast. Normally there is no water visible.

 The water in the little slough by the neighbor's mules was up to the bridge. It looks like a small river coming down the ditch.

 This is what I call "Mule Slough", Jan 19. In the distance, at the barn, there is a mule standing on high ground.
 Same view, Jan 21.

 We raced home on Jan 18, knowing the roads were beginning to flood. We made it home OK, and the next day we were locked in. On Jan 20, we went back into town for a few hours. This was the 90-degree corner on Airport Road. The pickup went through it alright, but no way the car would have.

 Jan 22. Fern Road was basically passable, but things were still very flooded. Thought this "Keep Oregon Green" sign was ironic.

 The floodwaters were halfway up this fence. The farm was solid water.

 That sign says "Do not enter when flooded." And the pickup was barging through. But compared to what was there 2 days previously (when the water was up to the front door of the little yellow house on the left), this was nuthin'.

There's a farm with chickens, and when it flooded, the farmers put their birds up in to the top part of the shelters. Where you see green, it was a couple of feet of water.

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