Monday, June 25, 2012

Poker Ride

Mommy and Daddy were able to enjoy the annual Joker's Wild Poker ride sponsored by the Willamette Valley chapter of Oregon Equestrian Trails. (Miri wants to know who was getting "Poked" - ha!) The weather was not so cooperative -- it was a very muddy trail, so we took the short cut-offs where we could. It was our first ride since last fall, so we wanted to take things easy on the boys, too. And WOW, were they good boys! Jake took great care of Daddy, and Arby was the best he's ever been. What a great day, despite the weather.

Special thanks to our professional child care provider for the day, Haley. She made the day extra fun for Aleaha and Miri back at home.

Waiting at the first stop to pick our cards. There were quite a few horses lined up, so we hung back a bit. Makes for a nice break for the horses.  

Note the muddy trail and the duster on my Marlboro Man (minus cigs, of course).

Back at the trailer. "Yup, we cheated death once again." (Something we only say after arriving back safely!)

Miri had a great day, and she was thoroughly tuckered out! She fell asleep on the couch before bedtime.

Aleaha's artwork: "This is a rider on a horse." Um, of course it is, honey.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


It was time for us to brave the people and traffic (and in this case, a little rain) to make our annual pilgrimage to the zoo.

Checking out the aquatic life.

Miri sees a hippo,

and so does Aleaha. (Wow, thrilling, eh?)

Aleaha: "Wow, Mom, who made this painting??"
Mom: "The people of the zoo, honey."

Our children, trying hard to see the lions we swore were out there.

Aforementioned lions.

More lazy zoo cats. (At least they were near the observation areas.)

She loves to climb rocks.

And if #1 can do it, you better believe #2 is gonna try also.

Children appeared, and mongeese skedaddled!

Aleaha helps Miri up.


Prouder here, cuz she got up on this one herself.

Making like a squirrel.

Miri is like this every night after dinner. For about 20 minutes. It's awful!

Miri: "I wanna give the bear statue a bear hug!"

They agreed to give somewhat nice smiles, but only if...

...they could then be wild animals.

Such is life!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Miss A's Birthday

It was a very busy birthday weekend. Aleaha's school held an end-of-year campout, complete with potluck, campfire, glowsticks, smores, tents, sleepingbags, and a pancake breakfast the next morning. Mommy & she spent the night in a tent at the school. Oh boy! (Thank you, Daddy, for bringing that coffee to Mommy the next morning!)

Miri helps out.

Aleaha wanted a Candyland cake ("...but with horses on it too..."). It was a hit with the kid crowd.

Because we just happened to be at the campout, and it just happened to be her birthday, she just happened to have a very large crowd to sing to her. She liked it, but was a tad embarrased.

Back at home, we did presents. Nice stack, girlie!

That's a horse book. Can ya tell?

New favorite shirt.

Games and activities to help keep her entertained this summer, when she's home with Daddy. She's not looking forward to this, she tells me. She wants Miri to stay home with her. How cute (and impossible!) is that?!

Miri does a little hula dancing during the festivities.

After the big gig with the school, we were all fine with a small family dinner at Papa's pizza (and they weren't even crowded - amazing!). She was given a birthday shirt.

Aleaha wanted to borrow Mom's camera phone to take pictures in the backyard if a deer. The pics of the deer were not exactly recognizable. This one of Miri is a smidgen better. You can tell she takes after her mother in the photo skills department. Then again, ahem, she has zero experience. And Mommy can't claim that....

Monday, June 11, 2012

Miri says

"I don't ever want to get off of Jake, Mommy.
I want to stay here FOREVER."

Also in recent conversation:

Miri, pointing behind our barn: "Mommy, whehr are de cows dat were in dat pas-chewr?

Mommy: "I'm not sure, honey."

Miri: "Maybe dey are making more calves."

Mommy: "Um, well, maybe. Where do they do that?"

Miri: "In deir barn, of couwrse!"

What she wants for her birthday

For her birthday, Miss A really wants more "horse lessons" -- good for her and for Shorty. Here, her instructor helps fit her stirrups. (We're mixing up the English and Western tack a bit, but that's OK - more exposure is a good thing.)

She did several rounds of "Simon Says" ....

...and practiced starting, stopping, slow walking, and fast walking.

We love how the lessons always begin and end with proper horse care. Aleaha has even learned how to pick his hooves.