Sunday, June 24, 2012


It was time for us to brave the people and traffic (and in this case, a little rain) to make our annual pilgrimage to the zoo.

Checking out the aquatic life.

Miri sees a hippo,

and so does Aleaha. (Wow, thrilling, eh?)

Aleaha: "Wow, Mom, who made this painting??"
Mom: "The people of the zoo, honey."

Our children, trying hard to see the lions we swore were out there.

Aforementioned lions.

More lazy zoo cats. (At least they were near the observation areas.)

She loves to climb rocks.

And if #1 can do it, you better believe #2 is gonna try also.

Children appeared, and mongeese skedaddled!

Aleaha helps Miri up.


Prouder here, cuz she got up on this one herself.

Making like a squirrel.

Miri is like this every night after dinner. For about 20 minutes. It's awful!

Miri: "I wanna give the bear statue a bear hug!"

They agreed to give somewhat nice smiles, but only if...

...they could then be wild animals.

Such is life!

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