Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend - Ride on!

Mom and Dad were visiting over the weekend, and it happened to be the time of year for the OSU Equestrian Drill Team's annual poker ride. We can't do the OET poker ride in June that we love to do, because of other scheduling conflicts, so Chris and I thought we would do this May ride together, with GrammaBon and Grampa watching the kiddos that morning. Turns out Chris couldn't go due to workload, but that allowed Teri and me to go. So we were the dynamic duo in the saddle for a Mother's Day ride, with great weather and well-behaved mounts (well, Arby tossed his head a bit, but we made it without walking or any unscehduled dismounts). Fabulous! Our thanks to the village of support personnel who made this possible.

For future reference, here is the ride map (took us 3 hours). Starts from Decker Road. I might want to print this and repeat the ride with Chris someday.

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