Monday, March 31, 2014

Maybe Someday

This is the Majestic woodstove that used to be in the cabin, many years ago. It's being stored in our barn now. Maybe someday we will restore it and be able to enjoy it again. Woodstoves are not entirely practical these days (the permits - yikes), but there's nothin' like it, and the nostaglia pull is very strong.

This and That

Can you spot what's wrong with this so-called Americana decorative item from a large chain sewing, crafts, and hobby shop? Aleaha knows! 
(no surprise that the sticker on the back indicates it was not made in the USA)

What is it with the cats and bags? One cat gets itself wrapped up in a bag... 

...and so does the other one. Miri thought it was especially funny of Bear to do this, because there's a kitty motif on this thing. "Cuz he must know it's meant for that, Mommy!"

We took the opportunity to stop by and say hello to Gramma Patty. She's recuperating from her surgery and treatment and her energy gets low, but she likes short visits and the girls seem to help her keep keepin' on.

We made lemon cookies the other day. My, but it's nice to have two of some tools, so that they can work side-by-side. (Ahem, and truth be known, there are probably 3 more tools in the arsenal for juicing citrus...)

She tastes, and...

...declares them great!

The next day, we also made sausages on a stick, fried in pancake batter (similar to corn dogs).

Notice Aleaha is still wearing the same shirt. Yes, sometimes we roll that way.

Spring Teaser

The first weekend of Spring Break brought amazing weather. We all hoped it was going to stick around, but that wasn't to be -- too early to hope for that. And apparently we need the rain, so we should be thankful for it (!?).

Took a hike up Bald Hill, and the view was incredible. Looking over the burg,

and looking west.

Later in the week, we took a day off as a family to go do something (only that didn't really materialize, for a few reasons, mainly the weather). Bucketfuls came down. Then we did get our proverbial promise not to flood the earth, fortunately.  

Right before it was time to go back to school (when there was a slight break in the weather and it just rained instead of poured), we took the opportunity to go to the park for a walk/bike ride. It felt great to do that!

Miri spies something in the river....

... which turned out to be a guy in a kayak, rowing upstream. Later he stopped on the gravel bar and pulled out a harmonica and waved some more. Hmmm.

Gotta get some time on the "pway swuctures", since they lament to us all the time that we don't have anything like this at our house anymore.

They did  have a good time, and that was the point. Mission accomplished.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Animals Update

One of them was already perfectly comfortable by himself, and then the other one wiggled into the scene.

A scene from the garage. Mouse clearly left as a message that it's high time to refill the doggone kibble, or they might be forced to eat the mice.

Can you see a little face looking at you?

This is Cheddar, an orange tabby who hangs out around our place. He's a feral, for sure -- very scared and usually hungry. He seemed to pull through the freezing spells we had, but having discovered the kibble in the garage was probably a lucky thing for him (and it explains why the feeder was empty faster than usual!). He's welcome to hang out and eat, because there doesn't seem to be any other maintenance involved. We just like to know he's safe.

This coyote was not on our property, but he was fun to watch. He was right next to a walking path at OSU, and while I watched he caught and gobbled up 2 gophers, then trotted off. I spied him about a half hour later hunting some more in another nearby field. Clearly, he knows his business.

The llama begged to go out onto the hillside pasture one day recently, so the goats were encouraged to join her. There was one night where they bleated to let us know they wanted back to the barn for the night, but since then, they are very happy to be out of the small paddock and up in the grass.

The horses aren't allowed out there yet, much to their dismay. Quigly and Shorty look longingly at the grass and the chance to roll.

Soon, boys, pretty soon....

Daddy put some reinforcement on the new dividing gate, while Curious Jake inspects.

And then he inspects the camera.

Sometimes they even get along!

Time for meatballs! Which is a good opportunity to get messy (which they generally like to do, even when -- maybe especially when -- wearing sparkly dresses). However, it does require some teamwork, which they originally balked at, but then agreed on a scheme where Aleaha makes the balls and Miri sets them on the baking rack.

Miri has to get up earlier than Aleaha due to Mommy's work schedule. One recent morning when Mommy went to get her up, she was missing from her bed, but soon found to have gotten in bed with her sister. Ahh, isn't that sweet??

And then when Miri left the bed, she made sure to put her blankets around Aleaha, "So she would stay cozy and warm, since I wasn't there anymore to snuggle with her."

Miss Aleaha Update

Aleaha made a poster to share at her school's recent Science Fair. It was on electromagnets in the home (one guess on the genesis for that). She and her her daddy made a neat, interactive demo with a lantern battery, a nail, some wire, and other gizmos. It was pretty well received, and only 2 boys burned themselves playing with it incorrectly.

She got dressed up to attend her school's Sock Hop. We didn't know people would really get into it with all the garb and hair-dos and all ("Mom, there were a lot of girls wearing these skirts with poodles on them, and I don't undersatnd that at all - it doesn't make any sense!"). So maybe next year we'll make more of a project out of it.

We decided to make a date-night of it, just Mommy and Aleaha, since Miri and Daddy were doing the same. So we hit up Pastini's and had a lovely time together.

Miss Miri Update

What, oh what, has this little girl been up to? A lot of things, of course!

She had a very good check-up at the dentist (which was a big surprise, given her admittedly slacken work in this department!).

She was invited to a 5th birthday party from a friend at school, and this was a GRAND time. They played on the bounce-house.....

...had their faces painted...

...experienced a pinata (which was absolutely darling and made to match the Minions theme!)...

...and ate giant pieces of chocolate cake! She had a superb amount of fun that day and probably now has unrealistic expectations about her own 5th birthday party, which of course she is already planning.