Thursday, March 20, 2014

Animals Update

One of them was already perfectly comfortable by himself, and then the other one wiggled into the scene.

A scene from the garage. Mouse clearly left as a message that it's high time to refill the doggone kibble, or they might be forced to eat the mice.

Can you see a little face looking at you?

This is Cheddar, an orange tabby who hangs out around our place. He's a feral, for sure -- very scared and usually hungry. He seemed to pull through the freezing spells we had, but having discovered the kibble in the garage was probably a lucky thing for him (and it explains why the feeder was empty faster than usual!). He's welcome to hang out and eat, because there doesn't seem to be any other maintenance involved. We just like to know he's safe.

This coyote was not on our property, but he was fun to watch. He was right next to a walking path at OSU, and while I watched he caught and gobbled up 2 gophers, then trotted off. I spied him about a half hour later hunting some more in another nearby field. Clearly, he knows his business.

The llama begged to go out onto the hillside pasture one day recently, so the goats were encouraged to join her. There was one night where they bleated to let us know they wanted back to the barn for the night, but since then, they are very happy to be out of the small paddock and up in the grass.

The horses aren't allowed out there yet, much to their dismay. Quigly and Shorty look longingly at the grass and the chance to roll.

Soon, boys, pretty soon....

Daddy put some reinforcement on the new dividing gate, while Curious Jake inspects.

And then he inspects the camera.

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