Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

Was trying to get a shot of the requisite egg dying project.

Someone photobombed it.

Who needs ham at Easter when you've got Miri?

Gramma and Grampa came for the weekend, and with Grampa's help (and a little pounding from Aleaha), our new chicken house is nearly done!

We had a lovely time at our former neighbors' house for the annual Mimosas & Egg Hunt event.

So many eggs, so many kids! 

Gramma & Grampa had a nice time too.

Fun to catch up with old friends.

And as if 300 plastic filled eggs was not enough, we had a repeat session back at our house with the boiled eggs.

It was short but zany.

A lovely time!

(didn't post pictures of the food, but we had fun with that too!)

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