Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Miri's First Day of Kindergarten

It's almost unbelievable....the day has come! We've been anticipating this for a while (but enjoying all the stages before, of course)....and today is the day for Miri to start Kindergarten.

She eas very excited and very ready (despite proclaiming at wake-up time that she has decided she really doesn't need Kindergarten).

Big sister is very helpful in showing her the way today: All about the bus, meeting her teacher in the library, how to get milk in the cafeteria, introducing her to new people -- they are a great duo! (Aleaha even made Miri's lunch!!)

Oh man, what a wonderful family!!

Bus driver Rick is taking great care of everyone.

That's One. Big. Step. Literally and figuratively!

And mommy didn't even cry this time. But she might later today as this sinks in.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Aleaha's First Day of 3rd Grade

They start on different days, but I wanted them both in the picture.

Ready to go!

State Fair

It was that time again...we feel fortunate to live close enough to Salem (well, not always! ;) ) to be able to enjoy the State Fair on an annual basis. It's a Can't Miss event for our family.

This year, the girls were more into some of the "rides" that are more like mazes than mechanical thrillers. They love the Raiders of the Lost Ark obstacle course.

Miri keeps right up!

There's a giant adult-sized version of this ride, but luckily there's also the more appropriate kiddo version. Just the right level of thrill.

As always, Aleaha concentrates ahead while Miri looks right at the camera with every revolution. Ha!

They got a little stuck in the maze with the mirrors, but Aleaha soon realized that if there was an angle where she couldn't see her reflection, that was the pass-through to the next area.

Made it out of that one!

Lovin' it!

Gotta have us some carousel (while Daddy takes a break in the background).

Exiting the wacky house with the rotating tunnel.

Aleaha's favorite part was "the rock booth." She's got a mighty thirst for all things rock. 

With her favorite fish - rainbow trout!

Goofballs at the stuffed bear.

On the gondola.

Daddy and Aleaha were in front of Mommy and Miri.

Such a great family outing!

Sewing and Growing

Aleaha has been bitten by the sewing bug, and it's so fun to see her learn and produce her own designs.

Mommy is showing her how to follow a simple pattern. In this case, it's going to be a skirt (with cowboy boots all over it :) ).

Inserting the elastic is a little tricky...

She was very proud, and rightly so!

She wore it out to lunch with Mommy and Daddy...not to the usual Subway for her predictable plain chicken sandwich, but to an Indian restaurant (where she devoured the Chicken Tikka and samosas and naan and can't wait to return!).

Fall is Coming

The air and light have begun to change. It's cooler overnight, and occasionally the fog is set.

We have a gift of slightly aged apples from a friend's tree, and because we hate-hate-hate waste, we love the chance to put them to good use with our animals -- and they definitely appreciate them! 

As She Transitions to Kindergarten

As sad as Miri is to leave her previous school, she is truly excited to start Kindergarten "at her new school." And not only are we feeling great that she is there with her big sister, but we've also learned that several kids from her daycare center are also going to be at the same school

At a Kindergarten welcome event last week, Miri flit about with several of her buddies...



And Kaden, whom she held hands tightly with as they explored all the Kindergarten rooms in anticipation of starting soon. 

Also at the school is Jacob, Kolton, and we think Emmy....it will be so great to know this "Our Gang" of Little Rascals can continue their growing together

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Miri's Last Day at Daycare

The day arrived for Miri (and all of us!) to say a big Good-Bye to wonderful friends from the daycare center. Above she hugs McKenna and Kaden.

At her cubby. (See Aleaha in a similar shot 3 years ago.  Note how they seemed to take their last day so differently....or it would appear...)

With best buddies Nicholas and Kaden (McKenna and Teacher Richard in the background)

With Teacher Richard, whom she said she will really miss "because he makes such good crafts and activities and learning plans and things."

She had to say goodbye to Teacher Nona earlier in the week. We will miss her soooooo much!

With Teacher Leslie

We love Ashley so much!

Miri's outward emotional appearance seemed like her usual jovial self, but she had a major breakdown as soon as we drove away that last time. She was inconsolable. As she sobbed, she said,
It just can't end this way! I want to be with my friends there forever!!