Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Miri's First Day of Kindergarten

It's almost unbelievable....the day has come! We've been anticipating this for a while (but enjoying all the stages before, of course)....and today is the day for Miri to start Kindergarten.

She eas very excited and very ready (despite proclaiming at wake-up time that she has decided she really doesn't need Kindergarten).

Big sister is very helpful in showing her the way today: All about the bus, meeting her teacher in the library, how to get milk in the cafeteria, introducing her to new people -- they are a great duo! (Aleaha even made Miri's lunch!!)

Oh man, what a wonderful family!!

Bus driver Rick is taking great care of everyone.

That's One. Big. Step. Literally and figuratively!

And mommy didn't even cry this time. But she might later today as this sinks in.

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