Thursday, October 2, 2014


We made our annual pilgrimage to Pendleton for Round-Up. As usual, it was a whirlwind trip - very busy time, very fun time! Only got a few photos....
On Friday we took the girls to the rodeo, and Sylvie joined us too. What fun! Here she was French-braiding Miri's hair.

And someone definitely loved the extra attention.

How many photos have we snapped over the years of Miri asleep with her hand in the snack jar?

Fun shot of some of the rough stock - they look so docile here.

Last year Mommy rode Jake in the parade and for the other Mounted Band events, and this year it was Quigly's turn. He was a good boy!

On the last night, Gramma let us have Quigly spend the night back out at her barn, which made things so much simpler the next morning. She had made a special stall poster just for him!! Stall #1 for #1 horse. :)

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