Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mommy's Birthday: Her Favorite Things

Mommy's birthday happened to fall on a Sunday this year. It's generally fun when one's birthday is on the weekend, but it was a little different this year because her job has required her to be on a few back-to-back business trips, and this birthday happened to be the day before she would leave on an international trip. So things were kind of challenging, because that meant there were lots of things to do for planning and preparation.
But Daddy and the girls reminded her that it was also very important to take some time to do favorite fun things. And we did!
Daddy's card to Mommy was just perfect!

And he made sure we didn't lose the chance with good weather to be horseback for a little while. 

Aleaha made a card with things that reminded her of Mommy....horseshoes, rope, and cactus. The western theme is always appropriate for us!

(Note: She is not yet calling me "Mom", but I suspect that will start soon)

Miri made a card too, with lots of special writing of names and drawing of people and hearts and such .
Love this family illustration.
That afternoon, Aleaha and Mommy saddled up a couple of horses for a little ride around our place.

The ones that didn't get to go were quite vocal about their disapproval.

We took horn bags and stopped at the apple trees by the second pond to load up on apples.

Of course, while we picked, the boys took a taste too.

So fun!

Then we walked around the edge of the fields. It was so lovely!

Afterwards, we made homemade meatballs - yuuuuuum!

Since Mommy would be gone for a while, we planned ahead and had some meals ready. It's good to have good food!

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