Saturday, January 31, 2015

Miri Says

Mommy: What do you think you will want to do when you grow up?
Miri:   I want to be a teacher and a horse rider and work at HP.
Mommy: Ah, well then, you will need to go to college. What will you study there?
Miri: Um, cursive. Oh, and I think algebra. And other languages, like French.


While walking back from the barn one night....

Miri: Hey, is The Big Saucer out tonight?
Mommy: Huh?
Miri: You know, that saucer thing in the sky. That you use to get water.
Mommy: You mean The Big Dipper?
Miri: Yeah, like I said, The Big Dipper.

Overheard in the car, as the conversed about where they were going to live....

Miri:  Aleaha, we have to get married on the same day! So that our kids will be born on the same day and be the same age!
Aleaha: What do you want to name your kids?
Miri: Tom. Or Tommy. Or Thomas. And Samuel. Yup. That's it!

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