Thursday, March 26, 2015

For the Birds

Just as we were dealing with Miri's accident, we still had things at home that had to be taken care of. The chicks have been growing quickly and they needed more room in their brooder. But they aren't quite ready to go outside yet (which is a good thing, because the pen still isn't fenced yet - that's the chore for next weekend).

We put them in the dog crate for a short time, as we worked to build a special fence across one of the doors of the chicken house.

Daddy was so thrilled to do this project. Can you tell?

And as if the regular chores weren't enough, the garbage disposal went on the fritz one night. Fortunately Daddy is a troubleshooting genius and knows all about hoses and pumps and fittings and stuff like that. He found the source of the problem (danged artichokes!) and had us back in shape over his lunch break. All in a day's work. 

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