Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Silly Sisters

Nothing like blowing raspberries on the tummy. Even then you are 9.

Shorty Update

Shorty and MammaLlama and Teensie the Goat are rooming together in a stall and run for the winter. They are a great team. Best Buds. (Mama was itching her nose on the barn, but Shorty was posing nicely!)

Aleaha is Thankful for....

This is so cool. She is thankful for....(no implied order, I believe)...














Strings Concert

She was a bit pensive. 
(Mommy used to do this too...probably still does....)

She forced a smile.

Got tuned up.

But refused more photos.

Great picture behind the scenes with Zelda and Amelia.

Violin Practice

Miri came to violin practice one day with Mommy and Aleaha. To help keep her busy, Mommy handed her phone to Miri and asked her to take a few pictures. She asked for a FEW, not the 87 pictures that Miri took. Let's see...

Blurry pictures of the open cases around the room.

In-focus pictures of the cases and backpacks in the room.

Pictures of someone's finger over the viewfinder.

Oh, here's a cute one....a selfie! (in focus, fortunately)

Ah, and here's a shot we like!

Trip to Bend

We took a short trip over to Central Oregon to play in the snow. It was great!

We stopped along the way at HooDoo for some sledding. 

They had a blast.

And even Daddy got into it!

The next day, we hit the skating rink at The Inn at 7th Mountain. This was their favorite part of the trip (well, besides the time spent in the hotel pool each night).

The first day, she was a bit timid.

But she soon got her mojo.

There was that one time, though.... eek....

Miri made fast friends with another small human.

We also played in the snow at another sno-park.

The "Dead Sled" pile - this hill was not easy-going on the people or the sleds. 

It was pretty busy, too.

Miri was content to just roll around.

And around.

And around!

They absconded someone's snow tunnel for some fun.

Lovely view from the very chilly deck of the motel.


The manual recommends against this.

No worries - all is well. But that was not a good moment.

Family at Christmas

We had another wonderfully chaotic Christmas with family for 2015. As usual, I have almost no pictures. 

There was the typical mayhem of present-opening. Above is a little of the aftermath. We did it in waves, and even then it was pretty messy. Oh well.

There was some snuggling on the couch.

There was music!

Sweet music!

And more cousins-on-the-couch!

Oh, and we even had homemade cotton candy! That was a special treat.

Comms with Santa

It's a little past time to post this, but let's capture the moment anyway.

Aleaha made a special plate of several goodies for Santa. She wanted some feedback about his favorites.

Transcription...w/o copy edits...

Dear Santa, I think I have been pretty good this year. But thats not the point, anyway I was wondering witch of these goodies you like the most? For futcure purposes. Go to back for checklist. Feel free to write on back. Sencerely, Aleaha

His Reply:

FAVORITE  Dipsticks (candied orange peel with chocolate)
SWEET TREAT  Chocolate covered pretzel
YUMMY   Hot tea
STICKS IN MY TEETH BUT YUMMY   Chocolate Toffee Cracker
SPECIAL   Cranberry Curd
NICE TOO  Angle (sic) food cake

Holiday Playdate

Over the Christmas school break, we took a day to play. The girls each invited a friend over for some fun.

Kaden and Miri collected the eggs.

So cute!

And they sorted coins.

And they got creative with the props and did some role playing.

Then we went bowling!

Good thing they put up the gutter guards....and not just for Miri's sake, but the adults too!

Zelda shows how it's done.