Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas -- Fun & Family

We had just 2 days in PR with family, but we managed to pack in lots of fun (and food)! Here's the review....

Somebody was very smiley for most of the visit.

Uncle Chris and Tyler show how to play some electrical gizmo game -- Aleaha is raptured.

Miri was excited for the loaner of the exersaucer from Jodi & Chris -- "Hey, this is just like the one at school! I know how to drive this one!"

Mommy & Miri.

Miri loved the "present-paper", as Aleaha calls it.

Uncle Batman was there too. (left the red eyes in on purpose -- they add to the character, no?)

And we went up to the mountains, just for the day.

Aunt Jodi bounced Miri for a nice long while.

Everything goes better with Ritz. Including sweet potatoes.

While in the mountains, we took a little time to go sledding (truth be told, for Miss A, this was the reason to go up there -- SNOW!)

First, a little trotting up and down the road, to warm up.

Then, we find a hill. Not too big a hill, of course. We all know ya gotta climb UP that hill before you can go down it! Here's a great shot of Aunt Jodi.

She really does like sledding.

She especially likes being pulled around.

Hanging on tight.

"Go, Daddy, go!"

"OK, slow down, Daddy!"

Sylvie shows off some style.

Ella says "Weeeeeeeee!"

Aleaha learns why the saucers are hard to steer.

Daddy convinces Aleaha to go down the hill with him. They get prepped.

They were part-way down the hill when they got a little off balance, hit a bump, and rolled a couple of times. Aleaha's face bit the snow, and that was the end of sledding for her. "I wanna go back to the cabin!"

Took some convincing to get her back on that sled -- just to pull her home!

Daddy next to the Christmas tree in the Big House.

Kelly & Mike.

Oh sure, this is the bottle Miri wants!

Sleeping peacefully. Thank you, Chris & Jodi, for the loaner swing and exersaucer!

One babushka and two dadushkas.

Cutie Girl.

1 comment:

jcbettineski said...

Amazing pictures- loved seeing you guys. Hope it was worth the quick trip :)