Sunday, December 13, 2009

Little Miss Business Trip

We returned from San Diego, relatively unscathed and triumphant in our quest -- meaning, we probably didn't piss off too many people, and I was able to have a few useful meetings with colleagues.

In my packing, I forgot to bring the digital camera, so the only means I had of taking pics was my cell phone. Fortunately, my colleague Gavin Zau -- who is an amazing photographer -- snapped a few and gave them to me. Scroll down to the bottom for those.

Miri gets the window seat. She was very good on the plane trip there. (Not quite the same on the way back, unfortunately.)

I was so thankful that Aunt Kelly accompanied us on the trip. Here we are on the sky bridge at the San Diego airport, feeling happy to have landed safely and on time -- cuz we had to scoot right off to the HP site to get to a meeting!

Snapped in front of the hotel. Miri was serious at that moment.

Kelly suggested a blog entry of "All The Places Miri Slept". hehe Here's one!

She sleeps best when swaddled tightly and with her head covered up.

She can sit for a short time all by herself!

We did a lot of McGuyvering on this trip. At one hotel, I couldn't get the bathtub stopper to work, so Kelly fixed it with plastic drink lid from something we had ordered via room service. Voila, we had a bath! Later I needed a place to sit the baby while I fixed my hair....and the sink converted to a baby seat! It was the perfect time to travel with a baby: she was very portable, but not yet mobile and wanting to crawl all over, and she could be fed easily and without a mess.

Miri likes to look at all those babies that look just like her. Here we are at Old Navy in front of a full length mirror.

Another sleeping shot. She was pretty zonked out.

The road conditions at home on Friday night after we touched down in Portland were treacherous, so we elected to stay the night there and drive down home the next day. Aunt Kelly had already flown back to Pendleton, so this left Miri and Mommy alone in the hotel room. How would I keep her safe while showering? Easy -- prop her up with pillows in front of the electronic babysitter! She doesn't move when she's watching TV.

Stopped at Whole Foods at Bridgeport on my way home (had to burn up time, waiting for the roads in the Valley to thaw). Love that place, as there are some unusual items not available at my local grocery store. Here's a notable one, which speaks to our strange affair with putting unpredictable ingredients into, how about BACON? I love chocolate and I love bacon, but I wouldn't put them together!

Now you get the treat of Gavin's photos:

Miri stares longingly into the glass of wine.




Liliana said...

Holy cow that girl is cute!!! I would have gone to help you too, if I could hold that muffin!

Two peas in a pod said...

How cute is miss m she is getting so big n beautiful.They grow up so fast.