Saturday, May 15, 2010

Visiting the Racetrack

Daddy was at Woodburn for the drags this weekend. Here's the crew getting him ready in the staging lanes. It takes a team to do this work, for sure! That's Gary and his wife Jeanie (loyal umbrella-holder), and Scott checking the tires. (Uh, and when we say "checking the tires"....we don't mean like a Sager. Just want to be clear about that.)

Miss Miri was very social when we first arrived.

Doing her E.T. trick with Daddy.


Miri enjoyed the chance to give her toes a little sun.

She was pretty huggy to mommy most of the time, though.

Love that Bob stroller. Miri is under the blanket asleep, and Aleaha sits in the front area. And you know, you see a lot of things at the track, but her track style is special -- a little more Kentucky Derby than Drags. That's a horse lunchbox...

...and horse necklace and horse sweatshirt.

Sleeping through dragracing? You know you're tired when you can sleep through that.

1 comment:

Liliana said...

I'm tired enough to sleep through drag racing too. :-) Miri looks like such a happy camper!