Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All About Aleaha

I realized lately that I was remiss in taking photos of Miri, and I would quickly regret that. So I tried to snap up a few every chance I could. Then that left me without many shots of Aleaha. (No, it's not usually possible to get a good picture of them together!)

So here's a little update about her....

Aunt Jeannie made Aleaha the cutest apron, with apples and apple pies all over it. She's already gotten LOTS of use out of it. It's perfect! Thank you, Aunt Jeannie!!

Aleaha had to go to the dentist recently for her first filling. That's not a milestone a parent likes to celebrate, exactly, but she did earn the right to pick out some jimcrack from the dentist's coveted Treasure Chest, so that explains the blue sequined crown. The real photojournalistic noteworthy claim here is that she ate two platefuls of food. I let her pick the joint (Shari's) and the meal (breakfast for lunch), and she proved that despite her typical behavior at home and school, the girl really can put away the groceries when she wants to.

Ok, this is less about Aleaha and more about that silly cat, who allowed Aleaha to push him all over the house one day. I have a video of it, but the quality is so terrible, it's not worth looking at. Plus, mostly you can just see too much of my messy house in the background, and I'm not opening up that for witness on the internet! ;)

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