Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yes, they are sometimes together

After saying I can't get a shot of them together, I found a few. These aren't great pics, but proves they are sisters! :)

Taking a moment to play in the sandbox. There was a little bickering over who got to use the fun sand-pouring, whirlygig gizmo. So when Mommy spied them on sale at BiMart, she snagged another one. It's not worth the headache of "mine, mine" on a dollar-two-ninety-eight piece of plastic. Yes, of course I want them to learn to share. But we'll press those lessons on the big ticket items. Like that pony Aleaha has been asking for.....uh, yeah. That'll be a great time for that lesson.

I managed to get organized enough to plan a cookie-making event with the girls for Valentine's Day (Sunday before it). Here they are, rolling out the extra dough.

It was Miri's idea to get the little cookie sheet to "bake" the left over scraps. She ran over to her play kitchen to get it and babbled all the way back, and tried to get me to put it in the real oven. (And for full disclosure, we never got the darling heart cookies decorated. I know I shouldn't admit this to the universe, but it just can't all align every time, my sweeties. It was in the plans, but then the evenings were taken up with tasks like dinner and baths. We just plain ran outa time.)

Rocking in the glider in their purple dresses. If you can't tell from the look, there was a little squealing going on.

The girls love to go to the barn with mom to feed the animals. Here we are asking Miri, "Where's Jake?" and "Where's Arby".

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